
Tunjukkan catatan dari Mei, 2010

Egg and Blueberry cheese tart

Egg and blueberry cheese tart ordered by Jessica, my ex office mate for her birthday celebration. I received positive feedback from her text message comment - ā€œthe tart test so nice n yummyā€. Thanks Jessica.

Tips on working with chocolate ganache

Make sure your ganache is the proper consistency. Do not add too much cream. . Your buttercream icing underneath should also be the proper consistency. The trick is to make the icing spread smoothly, but don't make it too soft, or it will melt. . Do not let the cream boil before adding your should be steamy, but not boiling. After adding your chocolate, keep stirring until smooth. . If your ganache is too warm, let it cool slightly before pouring it onto your cake. . Position your buttercream iced cake (that you have placed on a cake board that is the same size as the cake) on a cooling rack on top of a cookie sheet or bun pan, and then pour on the ganache and let it drip down to cover the sides. When it has set up slightly, move the cake to your platter or dish or cake board that you will be serving it on. The excess ganache should remain under the cooling rack on the cookie sheet, and should be starting to setting up. You can scrape it up and add it to any leftover...

Cupcakes for Teacherā€™s Day

Cupcakes for teacherā€™s day.

Teacherā€™s day cake

  Teacherā€™s day cake ordered by my hubbyā€™s friend.

My new magazine-Ultimate Desserts

I went to the book shop today and searching for new food magazine. Suddenly i found this magazine and straight away i bought it. I will try the new recipes.Seems yummy.

Teacherā€™s Day Cake & Cupcakes

  Cupcakes and chocolate moist cake ordered by Pn Sharifah from Kota Damansara for her kids and her kidā€™s teacher.  Thanks Pn Sharifah.

Sajak Guru oh Guru oleh Usman Awang

Dialah pemberi paling setia Tiap akar ilmu miliknya Pelita dan lampu segala Untuk manusia sebelum jadi dewasa. Dialah ibu dialah bapa juga sahabat Alur kesetiaan mengalirkan nasihat Pemimpin yang ditauliahkan segala umat Seribu tahun katanya menjadi hikmat. Jika hari ini seorang Perdana Menteri berkuasa Jika hari ini seorang Raja menaiki takhta Jika hari ini seorang Presiden sebuah negara Jika hari ini seorang ulama yang mulia Jika hari ini seorang peguam menang bicara Jika hari ini seorang penulis terkemuka Jika hari ini siapa sahaja menjadi dewasa; Sejarahnya dimulakan oleh seorang guru biasa Dengan lembut sabarnya mengajar tulis-baca. Di mana-mana dia berdiri di muka muridnya Di sebuah sekolah mewah di Ibu Kota Di bangunan tua sekolah Hulu Terengganu Dia adalah guru mewakili seribu buku; Semakin terpencil duduknya di ceruk desa Semakin bererti tugasnya kepada negara. Jadilah apa pun pada akhir kehidupanmu, guruku Budi ...

Happy Teacherā€™s Day

  Thanks to all teachers out there.

Steamed Prune Cake

  Steamed prune cake ordered by my cousin. Thanks Kak Nor.

Butter cake with buttercream topping

Thank you cake for my hubbyā€™s colleagues.

Blueberry Cheese tart

Blueberry cheese tart  order for this weekend. 70 pieces.

Cupcakes for motherā€™s day

Motherā€™s day cupcakes cum birthday cupcakes ordered by Syieda from Kota Damansara for her beloved mother. Thanks Syieda.

Baking tips

1. Preheat the oven. This ensures that your cake will be cooked evenly and at the right temperature as soon as it goes into the oven. 2. Always grease or line your baking pan or cake tin with greaseproof paper. This prevents the cake from sticking and burning. 3. Use good quality non-stick pans as they ensure even distribution of heat across the surface and require little preparation before filling with the cake mix. Loose-bottom tins are particularly useful. 4. Bring all cold ingredients such as butter and eggs to room temperature before use for best results. 5. Pour the prepared cake mix into the centre of the pan and spread the surface evenly with a knife or the back of a spoon. Gently knock the pan to remove any surface air bubbles. 6. Never fill a cake tin more than half full. 7. Place your cake tin in the centre of the oven as this will ensure good circulation of air around the tin during cooking. 8. Always allow at least half to Ā¾ of the cooking time to elapse before opening...

Blueberry cheese tart

First order for Bluerberry cheese tart for this week.

Carrot Cake for Makan-makan

Carrot cake ordered by my hubbyā€™s friend.

Cupcakes for hubby

Actually the cupcakes was ordered by my friend last 2 months but i missed out to update in my blog.Only today i manage to upload it.


  A little boy got angry with his mother and shouted at her, "I hate you, I hate you." Because of fear of reprimand, he ran out of the house. He went up to the valley and shouted, "I hate you, I hate you," and back came the echo, "I hate you, I hate you." This was the first time in his life he had heard an echo. He got scared, went to his mother for protection and said there was a bad boy in the valley who shouted "I hate you, I hate you." The mother understood and she asked her son to go back and shout, "I love you, I love you." The little boy went and shouted, "I love you, I love you," and back came the echo. That taught the little boy a lesson that our life is like an echo: We get back what we give.   Benjamin Franklin said, "When you are good to others, you are best to yourself.ā€