
Tunjukkan catatan dari 2011


Cake ordered by Fazlina from Damansara Perdana. Tq Posted via Blogaway

Pulut Kuning berhias

Pulut kuning berhias specially made for my niece who got flying colors (9A) result in PMR 2011. Congrate Ain. Posted via Blogaway

Pulut Kuning Berhias 3 Tingkat

Pulut kuning berhias specially made for my brother in law's wedding. Posted via Blogaway

3d Angry Birds Cake

Angry birds cake ordered by Jihan. Thanks Jihan. Zainab Ismail Zairie Halal Homemade Cakes sent via HTC Sense

Edible image cake and cupcakes

Edible image cake and cupcakes for Majlis cukur jambul.

3d Angry Birds cake

Angry birds cake ordered by my cousin Kak Nor for her nephew's and niece's birthday. Tq Kak Nor. Posted via Blogaway

3D Angry Birds

Angry birds cake ordered by Ms Grace for her daughter's birthday. Thanks Ms Grace. Posted via Blogaway

Blueberry cheesetarts

Blueberry cheese tarts ordered by Pn Engku Maria also for her daughter's birthday.Tq. Posted via Blogaway

3D Angry birds cake

Angry birds cake ordered by Pn Engku Maria for her daughter's birthday. Tq. Posted via Blogaway

Hantaran cake

Hantaran cake ordered by Norhazira. Tq. Posted via Blogaway

Angry birds cake

Choc indulgence Angry Birds cake ordered by Pn Wani.This is repeat order from her. Tq. Posted via Blogaway

Choc indulgence

Choc indulgence cake ordered by  Muhd Azmi from Perak for Adilah in Melaka. Tq Azmi. Posted via Blogaway

Clown cupcakes

25 pieces clown cupcakes ordered by Kylie for her daughter's school party.Thanks Kylie. Posted via Blogaway

Blueberry cheese tarts

Cheesetarts ordered by Norziah also.tq. Posted via Blogaway

Apam dot-dot

Apam dot2 ordered by Norziah from Kota Dsara.Tq Norziah. Posted via Blogaway

Homemade coconut jelly/jeli kelapa

I made this jelly since i really love to eat coconut jelly. Really yummy and easy to make. Posted via Blogaway

Birthday cake with edible image, fruit tarts and cheese tarts

Birthday cake with whipping cream topping and edible image ordered by Normasliha. Thanks for your order. She also ordered 30 pieces fruit tarts and 20 pieces cheese tarts but I forgot to snap the picture. Thanks also for inviting us to have lunch at your house on that day..

Boboiboy Edible image cake

Choc moist cake with Boboiboy edible image ordered by Zurin for her son's 1st birthday.Thanks Zurin. Posted via Blogaway

Angry birds cupcakes

25 pieces Angry birds cupcakes with  fondant decoration . Posted via Blogaway

3D LV Handbag Cake & Fruit Tarts

3D handbag cake ordered by my relative- Nissa for her brotherā€™s engagement day.I used edible image for LV design on the cake. Thanks Nissa. She also ordered fruit tarts for hantaran. TQ again Nissa.

Open for order

Dear customer, I'm better now Alhamdulillah and will take order effective from 21 Oct 2011. Regards, Zainab Posted via Blogaway

I will not take order from 3 Oct 2011 until further notice

Dear customer, Due to health reason, I will not take order from 3rd October until further notice. Sorry for inconveniences caused.

Wedding and Hantaran Cake for my relative

Wedding cake and hantaran cupcakes specially made for my cousinā€™s daughter wedding. Congrate Nurul

Edible Image Angry Birds Cake

Chocolate moist cake ordered by Pn Rahmah for her kids birthday. She also ordered 5 Angry birds topper  for cake deco. Thanks Pn Rahmah. She also ordered 300 pieces Apam dot dot. Thanks again Pn Rahmah.

3D Angry Birds cake ordered by Pn Wani

3D Angry Bird cake with 5 minin Angry birds ordered by Pn Wani for her daughterā€™s birthday. I received SMS from Pn Wani about this cake: ā€œSalam...tq 4 da cute cake...brbut2 bdk2 nk birds yg kcik2 tu...kalo tau order yg kcik2 tu jer...cake pn sdap...mmg xcited n puas ati...tks again 4 cheering up da kidsā€ Thanks Pn Wani for your order.

3D Angry Birds Cakes for my boyā€™s birthday

I made this cake for my boyā€™s birthday celebration at his school. He was so happy with the cake. He loves Angry birds character. Happy Birthday Muiz.

Mini Angry birds from fondant for cake deco and topper

I made this for my customer and my kid birthday cake.

Fondant cake and cupcakes for hantaran

Gold and green theme ordered by Azuan for his engagement.tq Azuan.

3D Angry Bird Cake

3D Angry Bird cake ordered by Zura for her girl Tisya. Thanks Zura for your positive feedback.

Thomas Train Cake

Thomas Train Cake ordered by Azrinda from Muar on 3rd Hari Raya. Thanks Azrinda.

Kek ladam kuda/Nutella Cake

While googling i stumbled upon one blog fr Singapore telling about thi s cake popular in Singapore during Raya season. Since I love to try new recipe, i made the cake yesterday. The cake is very soft like sponge cake and what make it more yummy is the nutella filling. I decided to make nutella jam myself base on recipe i got from internet. The taste really yummy and I don't have to buy Nutella. Really happy with the result. Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

Ring ur love ones up to say hello or to wish them Happy Fasting with #HotlinkRamadhanHotTiket ! 50 minutes + 150 SMS for only RM15

Ring ur love ones up to say hello or to wish them Happy Fasting with #HotlinkRamadhanHotTiket ! 50 minutes + 150 SMS for only RM15

Doraemon Cake

Doraemon Cake ordered by Viky from Penang specially for Dr Ir Kalai in Kota Damansara. Thanks Viky for your order.

Fruit Tarts & Cheese Tarts

Order in month of Ramadhan. Thanks Ani.

Dodol for Hari Raya Gift

Dodol original recipe from Melaka is opened for order. Rm18 for 500gram. Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

Arsenal Cupcakes & Birthday cupcakes

  Arsenal Theme birthday cupcakes and pin theme birthday cupcakes ordered by Pn Hasniza from Sek 8, Kota Damansara. Thanks Pn Hasniza.

Colourful Swiss Roll for Hari Raya

Order is opened for colourful Swiss Roll for Hari Raya .Suitable for Raya Gift when balik kampung. Vanilla sponge cake with 3 colours and filled with strawberry jam. The swiss roll length is about 13 inch. Please contact me at 012 6859818 .

Colourful Swiss roll cake

My first attempt making swiss roll for buka puasa. Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

Apam Dot Dot for hantaran

Rozi -Thanks for your order

Apam Dot dot

Apam Dot2 for khenduri and makan2.